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How a Power Draw Bar (PDB) For CNC Milling Machines Improves Your TorusPRO System

Posted by John Sandstrom on

Novakon is here to make it as easy as possible to operate your CNC milling machines by offering the best in equipment and add-ons.  Our products and kits can expand your machinery's versatility and profitability by improving performance and reducing the amount of work you have to put in.  That's exactly what our Power Draw Bar (PDB) for CNC milling machines is designed to accomplish.  It makes it quick and easy to change between tooling systems, and it's also fully compatible with our automatic tool changer if you want even more flexibility. Let's take a look. Introducing the Power Draw Bar...

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Introducing Coolant Containment Systems(CCS) for Novakon’s TorusPRO and Pulsar CNC Milling Machines

Posted by John Sandstrom on

Novakon is dedicated to bringing the best in CNC and laser cutting equipment to both hobbyists and professional shops alike.  We manufacture and procure some of the best equipment around the world including the USA. This includes a range of accessories intended to make it easier to work with our TorusPRO and Pulsar CNC milling machines - like our new TorusPRO Coolant Containment System and Pulsar Coolant Containment System.  These CNC coolant systems are affordable additions to Novakon’s industrial milling machines. A Look at The Coolant Containment System (CCS) For Novakon’s CNC Milling Machines The Coolant Containment System is specifically engineered...

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Improve Production Efficiency with Novakon’s Automatic Tool Changer for CNC Machinery

Posted by John Sandstrom on

If you're making use of CNC machinery in any sort of professional setting, efficiency of production is always going to be among your main concerns.  When custom parts are needed, and clients are waiting for delivery, time truly is money.  The more you can reduce production time when tooling parts, the better your bottom line will be. This is exactly why we have created our ATC - the automatic tool changer for CNC machinery.  This one add-on to your existing CNC setup can drastically reduce non-productive time by eliminating operator interaction for manual tool changing, leading to lowered costs and higher...

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Introducing the BCL1309X Bodor Laser Cutting and Engraving Machine

Posted by John Sandstrom on

Here at Novakon, we strive to carry the very best in CNC cutting equipment suitable for a wide variety of uses, from commercial shop work to home hobbyists.  So, we're pleased to announce the latest item in our lineup:  The BCL1309X Bodor cutting and engraving machine This is a relatively small cutter and engraver, intended largely for small businesses and hobbyists. However, despite its small size, it includes a lot of power and great usability.  It's a superior all-around device, and one which could find use in many sectors! Introducing the BCL1309X Bodor Laser Cutting and Engraving Machine The BLC1309X...

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Introducing Novakon's Latest Industrial Laser Machinery - The Bodor i3 Metal Cutting Laser

Posted by John Sandstrom on

We at Novakon are dedicated to bringing the best industrial laser machinery to the market. The latest addition to our product lineup is a great example of this:  The Bodor i3 Metal Cutting Laser.  As the smallest of Bodor's i-series cutting lasers, it's powerful enough to be a mainstay in any cutting shop. Today, we wanted to look at this great multi-purpose fiber laser and its great feature set, given its size. Getting to Know the Bodor i3 Industrial Laser Machinery The Bodor i3 is designed for ultra-precise cutting within a 600mm x 600mm (23 5/8" x 23 5/8") cutting area.  It...

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